Campaign: Care for people with functional diversity and/or autism in rural areas

The day center is attended by adult users who have finished school but still need support in the tasks of daily living

  • Place: Center A Penagrande, Moraña, Pontevedra
  • Schedule:  10:00 to 18:00  
trabajo colaborativo


Personal autonomy workshops, cognitive stimulation, continuous training, leisure and free time activities and always aimed at social and labor inclusion

  • In the morning: speech therapy, relaxation, yoga
  • At noon: make food, eat, clean up, rest
  • In the afternoon: walk, artistic expression, music therapy


PCP: Person Centered Plan

It marks a major shift in approach from traditional individualized programming. It consists of a collaborative process to provide people with access to the support and services necessary to achieve a better quality of life based on their own tastes and values.

There are 5 points to take into account (O’Brien: 2003)

  1. The person is the center of the process (not family or professionals)
  2. The participation of family members, friends, neighbors, etc.
  3. Focus on the person’s capabilities, not limitations
  4. The person must choose those actions aimed at producing changes in his life
  5. It is a continuous process of learning, listening and acting

Alternative communication systems:

  • Total Communication by Benson Shaeffer
  • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) Communication via pictograms
  • Signed speech

ECA: "Supported Employment"

‘Supported employment’ (Paul Wehman: 1987) is defined as: ‘competitive employment in integrated settings for those individuals who have not traditionally had this opportunity, using suitably trained job monitors’.

It is about training users so that they can develop a job in the ordinary labor market accompanied by labor monitors.

This program described above receives periodic subsidies from the Diputación de Pontevedra and Xunta de Galicia, but they do not cover the high cost due to the professionalization of the staff and, above all, the transport that has to serve a widely dispersed population.

If you want to collaborate with this program, press the DONATE button

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