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“we´ll go where it´s needed”

Foundation for the support and advancement of people with functional diversity and autism (TEA)

The FUNDITEA Foundation (Foundation for the promotion of people with functional diversity, particularly persons in the Autism Spectrum), was born in 2007 with a group of families concerned for the well-being and future prospect of their sons and daughters. In addition to provide support and advice for people with functional diversity and their families, FUNDITEA develops and implements all those activities and services necessary to address the specific needs of this group, and works proactively in the defense of their rights. 

Solidarity Territories Award 2014

FUNDITEA gained the trust of the BBVA workers.

Social Interest

FUNDITEA was declared an organization of social interest in DOGA nº 187 dated 09/26/2008

Galician Interest

FUNDITEA is registered in the Register of Foundations of Galician Interest under number 2008/20 in DOGA number 233 dated 12/1/2008

Service Provider

FUNDITEA is registered in the Registry of Social Services Providers (RUEPSS) of the Xunta de Galicia with nº E-5782 dated 08/14/2012

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