History of Funditea

This is the chronological story of our foundation
Year 2022​
Name change
redactando carta

The Foundation partially changes its name and corporate purpose to adapt to Law 8/2021, of June 2, which reforms civil and procedural legislation to support people with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity. The figure of guardianship disappears and emphasis is placed on creating the necessary support so that the person with disabilities enjoys a full life with full legal capacity.

Year 2010​
First testament
manos con luz

First family that expresses in a Last Will and Testament the will that when she is absent, the foundation assumes the guardianship of the person with functional diversity

Year 2009​
Start of activities
mano bombilla
Year 2007/2008​
The foundation is born
brote de planta

Creation of FUNDITEA with the objective of assuming the guardianship of people with functional diversity who need it and request it, and also in a broader concept, to guide families and guardians in all those legal procedures or of any other nature and offer or create the necessary support services to achieve a better quality of life for this group.

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